When you don’t have commisioned work, a nice exercise is to create some illustrations just for fun. I love watching movies and series because they inspire me. You need to have visual stimulation everyday to make your brain work. “Las Chicas del Cable” in Netflix is one of this visual inspirations. It’s a really nice story with powerful pictures and shots. I decided to create vintage illustrations of the main characters in a classic style. I worked with pencils and black and white. And the most important thing was to make a mock up to generate a vintage poster.
Blanca Suárez (Lidia Aguilar), Yon González (Francisco Gómez), Ana Fernández (Carlota Rodríguez), Martiño Rivas (Carlos Cifuentes) and Maggie Civantos (Ángeles Vidal) are the main characters so I decided to focus on them.
Each vintage illustration was made in A4 paper with a 0’5 mm mechanical pencil. Even the shadows and some little detail was made using only this pencil. After scan them, I added the old paper texture and the frames to create that vintage illustrations style. The textures comes from some image banks but it’s really easy to make your own textures. Just scan your favorites papers, books or anything you find around you. You can make your own archive with unique textures to use in a future artwork.
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